Centre For Occupational Health and Safety (COH&S) is the place where the health and safety community of practitioners, professionals and leaders work together to advance Health and Safety standards and practice; it is a professional association supporting its members through five pillars of membership value and benefits:

1. Trust, Knowledge and Information

The profession is inundated with information of varying validity – COH&S provides up-to-date evidence-based information and knowledge through:

  • The COH&S Body of Knowledge
  • The Quarterly COHS Professional Magazine (electronic & hard copy)
  • Journal of Health & Safety Research Practice (blannual publication)
  • News Letter monthly (industrial news, emerging issues, membership news)

2. Professional Development and Lifelong Learning

Members grow and learn throughout their career, turning their experiences into knowledge through reflection and professional development – COH&S provides high quality professional development and training for the health and safety community of practitioners, professionals, and leaders through:

  • Webinars, podcasts, conferences, symposiums, panel discussions short courses & micro-credentials
  • Member-only free or discounted conferences, symposiums, and products
  • Mentoring and Support
  • COH&S CPD planning tool, to help plan your learning
  • Our investment in the COH&S education Accreditation Board – which drives continuous quality improvement through higher education courses in health and safety
  • The Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Profession Certification program – promoting the professional to business and providing ongoing professional development for those who are certified

3. Connections

Connecting with and mutually supporting others is an important part of career development and personal growth COH&S provides invaluable networking opportunities and peer support through:

  • Professional alignment with the International bodies for Health and Safety
  • Networking groups and events generating peer support and knowledge sharing
  • Career development for professional and practitioners
  • Mentorship program

4. Contributions

COH&S draws on its community of leaders – experienced health and safety people – to give back and share their wisdom and knowledge with the profession including:

  • Peer Mentor – Sharing knowledge, experience, opportunities, shaping the future profession
  • Subject Matter Expert – Including Standard Development, Webinars, Conferences, Envisioning The Future
  • Community Leaders – Contributing to safe and regional committees and specific working bodies
  • Fellows Of The Institute – Contributing to and shaping the profession

5. Advocacy & Policy

COH&S is committed to being the voice for the OHS professional to advocate in discussions on legislation, regulation and improved health and safety in the workplace, including:

  • Advocacy for change on current and emerging issues
  • International representation – leading agency in the international body for the health and safety profession, INSHPO – (International Safety and Health Professional Organization.)


(US$100 Per Year)

Suitable For:

  • For organisations that have a keen interest in OHS


(US$1 Per Year)


  • Current Student
  • Not working full time
  • Must provide evidence of study in form of enrollment on joining; or
  • Must provide evidence of study in form of academic transcript on renewal


(US$10 Per Year)


  • Completed your studies in OHS or related field
  • Has been employed for more than 6 months
  • Opportunity for free Trainee/Graduate Certification


(US$50 Per Year)

Suitable For:

  • Managers who have OHS responsibilities
  • OHS practitioners and professionals
  • Trainees and Graduates in entry level OHS roles
  • Anyone with an interest, working or volunteering in OHS